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  • 7 Easy-to-Do Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

7 Easy-to-Do Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

In the world of small business, every second and every penny counts. With your day often stretching from dawn until well past dusk, it's crucial to find ways to make every moment and every dollar work harder for you. That's where productivity comes into play. It's not just about working harder but working smarter.

Table of Contents

Does Emma’s story sound familiar?
Read her story below👇

Imagine Emma, who turned her passion for jewelry-making into a thriving online business. Her unique designs have garnered attention, but with success comes the challenge of:

  • Crafting New Designs: Emma spends several hours daily at her workbench, designing and creating new jewelry pieces. This is the heart of her business and what she loves most.

  • Fulfilling Orders: She allocates time each day to assemble, package, and ship the orders that have come through her online store.

  • Managing Inventory: Emma regularly checks her supply of materials—beads, clasps, chains—to ensure she has everything needed for her creations and places orders with suppliers when stocks run low.

  • Updating Her Online Store: She updates her website with new product listings, photos, and descriptions to attract and inform customers.

  • Customer Service: Emma dedicates time to responding to customer inquiries, requests, and feedback received via email or social media platforms.

  • Marketing and Social Media: She creates and schedules posts for her business’s social media accounts to engage her audience and promote her latest designs.

  • Bookkeeping: Emma handles the financial aspects of her business, including tracking sales, expenses, and preparing for tax submissions.

  • Research and Inspiration: She also sets aside time to explore new trends, techniques, and materials that could inspire her next collection.

Emma loves her work, yet she often ends the day feeling she's spent more time managing emails and social media than doing what she loves most—making beautiful jewelry.

My Personal Struggle with Work Productivity

As someone who co-founded 2 online brands, I can completely relate to Emma’s story. In fact, that is exactly what I have been through.

I spent every waking hour “working” 😓. Every day, I would write up long to-do lists 📝 that simply cannot be finished. I would end the day feeling unproductive, discouraged 😞, and that did not help my entrepreneurship in any way. Some days I could be more focused 🎯, some days my schedule was filled up with events that did not move the needle.

Things just seemed out of control. I felt helpless watching every day go by ⏳.

It took me 5 years to learn (and I am still learning) to become productive. And here’s what works for me .

What is Productivity?

First thing first, what exactly is productivity? Simply put, productivity is getting more done with less. Whether it's reducing the time spent on tasks or increasing the output of your work, the goal is to make your business operations as efficient as possible.

We all have 24 hours a day, how do we make the most out of it? Let’s dive in and make your entrepreneurial journey more fruitful!

7 Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

1. Define Your Top 3 Daily Priorities

Productivity planner helps set daily top 3 priorities

Kick off each day by deciding the three most important tasks you need to tackle. These are your big wins—the tasks that, once done, will make the day feel successful, no matter what else happens.

To figure them out, simply ask yourself, "What are the three things I must get done today?" This could be anything from sending out an important order, replying to a client's message, or finishing a new product design.

Focusing on these priorities helps you stay on track and makes sure you're not just busy, but productive, leading to a more satisfying workday.

As much as we love doing everything online, taking the time to sit down and writing down your top 3 priorities is strongly recommended. It gives you clarity and get your mind ready in a way e-writing cannot.

2. Use the '5-Minute Rule' to Combat Procrastination

Ever find yourself putting off tasks, even the ones that seem simple? Here’s a little trick: the '5-Minute Rule.' Tell yourself, “I’ll just work on it for five minutes.”

Starting is often the hardest part, and by committing to just five minutes, you make that start much less daunting. What happens next is a bit of magic—once you begin, you’ll likely keep going, turning a small commitment into significant progress.

This rule works because it lowers the mental barrier to starting. So, next time you’re hesitating to begin a task, just remember, five minutes is all you need to get the ball rolling.

3. Batch Process Email and Communication

Imagine if every time your phone dinged, you stopped everything to check it. You'd never get anything done, right? That's where batching comes in. Instead of checking your email or messages every few minutes, set specific times during the day to handle them all at once.

Maybe it’s mid-morning, after lunch, and before you wrap up for the day. This way, you’re not constantly interrupting your flow to respond to every single message.

Batching helps keep you focused on your work without getting sidetracked by every notification, making your communication time more efficient and less of a distraction.

4. Simplify Task Management with a Single App

Keeping track of all your tasks can feel like juggling. To make it easier, use one app for everything. Find a task management app that you like and stick with it. Whether it's writing down your to-do list, setting reminders, or planning your week, do it all in one place.

We used Slack plus Trello for task management and team communications for 3 years. We then moved to ClickUp first because of its beautiful Gantt chart, we needed it to track our projects. ClickUp suits us better and now we have everything (project management, SOPs, communications…etc.) all in one place.

This way, you don't waste time switching between apps or searching for notes. Plus, seeing everything in one spot helps you stay organized and understand what needs to be done first. It’s like having a personal assistant in your pocket, keeping you on track every day.

5. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Do you find yourself doing the same tasks over and over, like sending out thank-you emails to customers or posting on social media? It's time to let technology lend a hand.

Automating these repetitive tasks can save you hours each week. Use tools and apps designed to handle routine work automatically. For example, set up automatic email responses for common inquiries or use a social media management tool to schedule your posts in advance.

By automating these tasks, you free up more time to focus on the creative and critical parts of your business that truly need your personal touch.

Some easy-to-use tools are:

MailChimp - Automate email response

Buffer - Social media management

Zapier - Automate your workflow

Let’s not forget AI is constantly evolving, and there are plenty of tools popping up every day. AI tools can save you hours every day, giving you back valuable time to focus on things that really matter.👇

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6. Set a Hard Stop for Your Workday

Drawing a clear line between work time and personal time is crucial, especially when you're passionate about what you do. Decide on a specific time your workday ends, and stick to it. This 'hard stop' helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance, giving you time to relax, pursue hobbies, and be with loved ones.

Knowing you have a set time to finish encourages you to work more efficiently during your available hours. It also ensures you recharge, reducing burnout and keeping your creativity and motivation high. So, choose your stopping point and honor it as diligently as you do your start time.

7. Implement a 'Power Hour'

A 'Power Hour' is like a turbo boost for your productivity. Choose one hour each day, preferably when you feel most energetic, to tackle your most challenging or important tasks without interruptions. During this hour, turn off your notifications, close your email, and focus solely on the task at hand.

The idea is to create a bubble of concentrated effort that can lead to significant progress on projects that might otherwise linger on your to-do list. This practice not only helps you make headway on important work but also trains your brain to focus more intensely during other parts of the day. Embrace the Power Hour and watch your productivity soar.

Take Control of Your Time Today

In the hustle of running a small business, finding ways to do more in less time isn't just helpful; it's essential.

By defining your top priorities, breaking work into smaller tasks, using the '5-Minute Rule' to beat procrastination, batching communications, managing tasks through a single app, automating repetitive chores, setting a firm end to your workday, and dedicating an hour to focused work, you can significantly enhance your productivity.

These straightforward strategies are easy to implement and can have a big impact on your daily output. Start small, pick a tip to try today, and take a step towards a more productive, balanced work life!

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